Friday, July 20, 2007

Remember them?

We kept the girls in the coop for a while, and I left them in today since we were out and about, but once we got back from the rope swing, they had their freedom. Their first few minutes out are so funny -- they all go around leaping about in sheer joy at their ability to do so. Eleven chicks in a 4 x 8 space, well. Let's just say you can feel their jubilation.

And they dive bomb one another. Despite the fact that the have our entire yard to carouse in, they do a little running leap, flap their wings a few times, and land on someone else. Who squawks, and runs away. I'll have to take a video so you can fully appreciate it. Anyway, they love the line between the woods and our lawn, but their favorite spot seems to be the playscape.

The two at the bottom think I'm coming with treats and want to be first in line.

Look at those fuzzy butts, as the girls meander in an orderly fashion back to the coop before the racoon wakes up. Scratch (chicken equivalent of doritos) helps immensely with this process.

Izzy (on the left) is too busy to say hi, but Tinkerbelle wonders why I'm lurking by the olive tree with that black clicking thing in my hand.

I do believe we have a rooster! Say hello to ... well, I guess Peepers will still work. Maybe we'll change it to Lucky Guy, if the 10 others turn out to be girls... only the little silkie is "TBD", I think all the rest are girls.

Another shot of our young roo. Can't wait to hear him crow!

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ToTheHeights said...
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