Sunday, July 1, 2007

one flew over the cukoo coop

It was a gorgeous weekend. So naturally we spent it buildling a fortress for our chickens. Good thing too. Tonight I heard a weird noise as I was snuggling the kids to bed. I came downstairs and looked out my front door, and there, scrounging in the empty bag of birdfood I'd left on the stairs were THREE baby racoons and their watchful mom. Shortly after I'd put the front light on, she herded them to safety, but still. It was enough to drive home the point that we'd better go overboard implementing safety measures in our coop to protect our girls!

Tom and his pal Jimmy came over early Saturday to help us move this beast to the back yard. He even levelled the ground and squared the building once again. Afterwards, he put down garden fencing to keep diggers like foxes and coons from coming up inside to threaten our chicks. Then he whisked the kids away to the beach so we could have some time to work on it. We put it up on bricks and painted it with sealer. We ran 2 x 4s in between the corner bricks, and put rocks and smaller red bricks in between to help deter any pests or predators. We put in some ventilation, painted the rest of it, and cut a hole in the floor so they can get out of the sleeping quarters to the ground below and beyond.

Today Dante helped Daddy put in some screws to hold hardware cloth over the ventilation hole. We don't want to take any chances!

Lucia takes a break from working on the coop.

Dante nails the ladder together on his own.

Lucia tests out the ladder. Here chicky, chicky.

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