Sunday, July 22, 2007

of frogs and crabs

The Famous Folding Frog of Middlesex County
folded by David Cubeta

Jump, froggy, jump!

Look, it's Maria! Our main commenter! Working her way through Deathly Hallows, of course.

Head Freeze!!!!

Dante and Luke (from across the street at the McKenna compound) hunt crab on the jetty.

Oooh, got one! Look at that teamwork -- Dante with the line, Luke with the net.

And Voila! Monsieur le Crab.

Dante caught this guy after he was out of mussels, using a reed to push him into the net.

Once most of the people have left the beach, the seagulls come to clean up all the dropped snacks. Dante snapped this picture.

1 comment:

ToTheHeights said...

Looking at the video, I must say that my frog is a stunning success....Damn good for a piece of paper