Thursday, June 28, 2007

arts & crafts

Dante's really getting to the stuff he's doing at our pottery class. I got 25lbs of air dry clay on freecycle, and he showed Mason and Claria the techniques he's learned this week. Today we glazed our work, but we have to wait a few weeks for it to dry and be fired.

Dante finally got to make a pinch pot. We've been doing some under the sea themed stuff, but if you finish before the end of class, you have free time for projects like this.

My seahorse, texture courtesy of Lucia's sandal treads.

After pottery and lunch, we went to see something called Science in Motion at East Hampton library. The guy was a mime, and had some tenuous science tie-ins, but his demeanor left a little to be desired. He was constantly admonishing the kids for minor infractions, and he scolded me for taking a short video with my camera. He seemed to think I was from the newspaper, tho why it would upset him if I took pics or video, I'll never know. Guess he doesn't want people to find out about what he does. Whatever. Ed Popielarczyk, the magician on Monday at Portland Library was WAAAAYYY better anyway.

After that, we dashed off to the Russell Library in Middletown for "Green Children". We made fern print t-shirts -- very easy and loads of fun. How can banging a hammer in a library not be fun?
Lucia, not having so much fun waiting 3 minutes
for her t-shirt to come out of the saltwater bath.

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