Sunday, June 10, 2007

Our own BioBlitz

Our friends the McCoy's from Boston came down for a visit this weekend, and after being cooped up on a rainy Saturday, we were ready to get outside today. We packed everyone and some nets and buckets into the car, and headed for Day Pond to see what we could find.

Luke and Dante are on their way to harass mating leopard frogs near the stone dam/bridge.

Hey! Look, an unlucky bachelor/ette who didn't escape the net. Should've found a mate, mate.

A happy couple... and are those eggs at the backend?

Hey, look! A water snake. This one had an icky defense move -- it releases very pungent feces and coats it's skin with this foul smell. I touched it with my finger, and could barely stand to use that finger to snap these pics. Baths for everyone!

After roaming around up to her chest in the pond for about 20 minutes Kate managed to capture this painted turtle. He then came into her "cleaning station" to have 5 or so leeches removed from his various body parts.

A huge, blurry dragonfly nymph.


Bullfrog tadpole.

Senor Stinky-Pee. And below, his buddy, one of the 3 or 4 water snakes (with the exciting name "northern water snake") that were caught today. Notice the belly markings on the one below.

Lucia makes a splash.