Monday, September 24, 2007

Pharoah in Philly

We went to see the King Tut exhibit at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia last weekend. We spent most of the day at the museum, with brief interludes at the Swann Memorial Fountain before and afterwards.

Alexander Calder's father designed this fountain -- repete with river gods, vomiting frogs, turtles, and fish. Wikipedia has this to say about it: "Adapting the tradition of “river god” sculpture, Calder created large Native American figures to symbolize the area’s major streams, the Delaware, the Schuylkill, and the Wissahickon. The young girl leaning on her side against an agitated, water-spouting swan represents the Wissahickon Creek; the mature woman holding the neck of a swan stands for the Schuylkill River; and the male figure, reaching above his head to grasp his bow as a large pike sprays water over him, symbolizes the Delaware River."

The Wissahickon Girl.

All lit up and no place to go. We, however, did have somewhere to go. We climbed into the car and headed to Capogiro's for some awesome gelato (I had Cioccolato Scuro mmmm...) and espresso for the long trip home. But I get ahead of myself...

Backtracking, Lucia gets the chance to fly in the airplane simulation thingy at the F.I.

Our little red blood cells...

Still 1 hour til our admission time for Tut.

King Tut's canopic coffinette -- I'm pretty sure this one held his liver.

Honey, Tut ate the kids! coming soon from Disney.

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