Saturday, September 29, 2007

Big news in Chickenland

Well, it's happened. Our rooster crowed. Except it's not the one we knew was a rooster! Our older silkie, Pong, was crowing his head off the other day. The kids and I raced through the house to the side where he was thinking someone was being attacked, but instead we found a group of startled chickens standing almost in a circle around him, watching warily. I haven't heard him since, but will try to get some video so you can share the love.

Lucia, nibbling tiny bites of apple to throw to the girls, while Mushka lurks in the doorway behind for some fresh air.

Dante cuddles Bandit.

Peepers' tail is really starting to look like a rooster tail, and his feathers are turning a nice dark red. He's a few weeks younger than Pong, so perhaps he'll pipe up soon.

Izzy and Clover chill on the front stoop.

Bandit, nicely speckled. The darkest part of her feathers is irridescent green.

The ever-gorgeous Speck.

Dante languishes in the heat of indian summer with Tinkerbelle.

Lucia gets in on the love -- notice how poor Tinkerbelle is panting. Get that bird a drink!

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