Friday, August 29, 2008


Hm. People in power pressuring underlings to fire their underlings for illegal reasons. I wonder if Alberto Gonzales is teaching a continuing ed class for those in the GOP... I can only hope that women disappointed with Hillary's failure to clinch the nomination will see this for what it is, and vote instead for the candidate who most closely matches the policies of the woman they hoped to put in the white house. How can they turn in droves to a ticket that openly has vowed to overturn Roe v Wade, embraces the Christian creation myth as historical fact, denies global warming (I mean, come ON already! even George W has admitted it's something to be concerned about!) and who talks about the VP slot as a lever to accomplish things Alaskans want done. Hunh?

Luke emailed me this: What is McCain Thinking? One Alaskan's perspective.

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