Thursday, August 7, 2008

Incubator baby #2

Sunday night, someone noticed that one of the eggs under the light was peeping. Monday morning, I awoke to Dante pounding on my back shouting "the egg is hatching, c'mon, you're going to miss it!" Sure enough, we caught that video, and took the pics as the chick emerged.

Well, Monday night, Luke noticed that another egg was peeping, and sure enough, all day Tuesday the little chick worked a big hole in the egg instead of just the little pip and neat circle around the egg. But it finally got around the shell and made it out around midnight.

All the hard work of hatching behind, the chick is fluffed up and adorable, snuggling with Loolabelle.

This is the first chick, out already two days, and enjoying some delicious chick crumbles on Luke's belly.

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