Monday, March 10, 2008

please release me, let me goooo

We're home from Florida and looking back fondly on last Monday before we left as "Rodent Release Day". First up, Dante caught a squirrel in his havahart trap. The poor thing was chittering mournfully and frantically clawing at the sides, so we released him quickly. But not before we gathered photographic evidence. Didn't get a chance to get this up before we left.

Then it was time to let Ms. Shrew go back home after her vacation in Dante's room. Since we'd found her (or him) down by the coop, we released her back there as well. Except us going to the chicken coop usually means food for the girls, so they all galloped down to see what tasty treats we were offering. I gave them some of the leftover mealworms that we hadn't fed to the shrew, but it didn't stop them from discovering said shrew, chasing it into the coop and cornering (aka pecking) it while it squeaked wildly for help. Dante went in, chased both chickens and shrew out and I distracted the girls with more worms. The poor little thing ran out and hid itself somewhere from both chicken and human eyes.

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