Monday, March 3, 2008

Guess who's coming to dinner?

I took the kids to the Gem and Mineral show in Meriden on Sunday. I forgot the camera, but we saw all kinds of interesting things, including animals skulls, fossils and petrified wood. They had a corner for the kids to excavate little gems, blobs of copper, and shark's teeth, to pick up things like petrified wood, pumice and something else I can't remember. Luke wasn't feeling well so he stayed home. Hearing a ruckus break out amongst the chickens, he looked outside and saw this:

Looking at our numerous raptor books we have on hand for our DEP survey, we've judged this to be a Cooper's Hawk.

Having missed the silkie it had swooped at, it relocated to a better spot and waited for dinner to be served. Luke ran out to chase it away, but by the time he got downstairs it was gone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i'm confused re: the order of events. He took this picture before he ran out to save them? He sounds like a great body guard...