Wednesday, November 28, 2007

dem bones

River saved the bones from his Thanksgiving turkey so that he and Dante could make spears and the like. So in the middle of Gatlin's birthday party, the boys cleaned, boiled, sanded, and boiled again their bones.

All done for the day, the boys relaxed a bit by the firepit and somehow got soot all over themselves.

River's grandpa gave him their have a heart trap, which he's put to good use. He caught a squirrel earlier this week, but we didn't make it out to see it. We did however manage a trip to see the poor possum he caught yesterday.

Pleeeeeease release me, leeeeeet me goooooooooo.


ToTheHeights said...

get these kids a haircut already

sioux said...

pipe down already

ToTheHeights said...

they look like two little girls