Sunday, November 18, 2007

chilly chooks

It's getting cold nowadays, but the girls are troopers and don't seem to mind the cold all that much yet. No eggs that I know of, and I've been keeping them in the coop on gymnastics days and haven't found an egg in there once.

The roosters are all crowing, and now Peepers (the only roo big enough for the large breed hens) is old enough, we've got some mating going on. Dante and his friend evidently witnessed a successful encounter, but all I've seen so far is one rooster attempt to clamber onto a hen's back, while the other rushes over to harass him til he falls off. And Pong, the older silkie, takes his job shepherding his girls seriously. If Dante picks one of the hens up, Pong chases him about the yard until she's free.

Rosie strikes a pose, secure in her position as top dog. She breaks up fights between the roosters and runs around and nudges lingering hens to catch up with the pack. She's also usually the last to enter the coop at night. And has pride of place on the roost in front of the window.

Speck, still a pretty bird. Gets a lot of clout since her "bird of a feather" is top dog. But she is a favorite with the lads as well


Pong's feathered feet blur as he scoots across the yard to fend Dante off.

Peepers has been slow to realize that he has a huge advantage over the other boys because he's bigger than everyone else. But Pong remains the dominant rooster. Go figure.

Peepers examines the camera, the camera examines his comb and wattles. I'm pretty sure they're still growing, but they are already a sight to behond.

I've seen a lot more of this scrunched up look displayed by Izzy here, and can only assume it's a defense against the cold.

Luna can't believe the treats I brought out are gone already.

Clover eyes the camera warily as well. Bandit comes the closest to actually touching (well, pecking) it, but they all stay out of reach despite their obvious curiousity.

Since losing her pal Fly, Bandit has slipped to lowest in the pecking order I think, tho it's very hard to tell. She's also much more friendly, and of all the girls she's the only one who will still come nad sit on my lap or back.

Tinkerbelle's face just cracks me up. I love those little tufts!

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