Saturday, May 19, 2007

Our first solo construction project

Well, the girls were unhappy because they had outgrown their cardboard box. So this morning we got up and built them a new brooder (or place to hang out since they had no soft squishy mama hen to sit under). We're getting more chicks in the next couple of weeks (2 auracanas this Tuesday, and 2 Blue Laced Wyandottes next Tuesday), and only have one heat lamp, so I designed a screen to keep them from hurting the new babies, but allowing them all to share the heat. You can't see the screen in the pic now because I haven't hung the heat lamp up on a chain yet, but we're getting there. Dante did all the measuring and much of the nailing, including staple gun fun to attach the screen.

Boys with their hammers... poor Lucia had wanted to play sorry, but you can see that it got pushed aside in favor of our project.

Voila! Installed under the shelf in the laundry room -- way more out of the way, and much more space to run about. I think it's more drafty than the box though, because they tend to stay under the heat lamp more.

Some of the girls, with the screen between sections behind them. See how tiny the Silkies are compared to the rest of the girls?

A close up of the Silkies -- see the feathered feet? And their wing feathers are more like hair than feathers -- long and stringy. I can't wait to see them all grown up! And despite their size, they are NOT wimpy. These guys have no compunction about snagging grubs or other treats from the beaks of the giants...

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