Monday, December 15, 2008

soap, salve and salad

We'd been trying to get everything out of the garden before the real frost hit, and Dante scrounged up the last of the carrots for the salad he was making. In fact, he made dinner entirely that night -- whoo hoo!

We made up a batch of basic soap, and Dante did most of the measuring, but the soap was already cured too much for him to make much headway with the knife.

Again, in the race to harvest before winter, he found the last, hardy plantains from our yard to make a salve. Plantain, while regarded as a pretty pernicious weed, is actually a miracle plant. If you get stung, chew up some leaves, spit the mash out and put it on the sting and it will take care of it. You can make a wash of it for poison ivy, and the salve he made (with olive oil and beeswax) will help cuts heal quickly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

finally an update! keep them up