Tuesday, June 10, 2008

a visit to emerald woods

Luke's brother Mark and his family came up to New Jersey this past weekend, so we went down for a visit. The kids were delighted to find that this duck had laid a batch of eggs (7 at last count) right beneath the kitchen window. She was usually gone for most of the day, but came back enough for Dante to grab some close up pictures.

The girls built a tent in the basement with Nonno. I think Porter was the primary motivator for construction, but Lucia was happy to tag along.

Getting ready for bed in the tent Sis brought for them. Dante jumped in here with the snake for reasons beyond me.

Inspired by Porter's example, Dante and Luke built a big boat in the basement. More pics to come when it's finished.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HA!! Lucia and Porter in the pink tent is hilarious. So girly!!