Monday, February 19, 2007

girl's night at the gala

The local homeschool group hosts an Art Gala -- the kids submit their works of art, which are hung or stood upon cloth-draped library stacks, and locals can purchase said works. All proceeds benefit the children's section of the library. Lucia and I hit the Gala for a girl's night out activity and were very impressed. Me with the presentation and pieces on display, her with the cool marine-themed rug in the children's section. May I present Lucia, the dolphin-rider?
Several local music groups volunteered to enliven the event, and the crowd you can barely see in the background was a group of about 9 or 10 fiddlers, a keyboard and mandolin. The music was a big hit with the kids, and Lucia joined them by letting them dance around her.
Mom, take a picture of me in front of this stuff. And then when you do, I'm going to sneer.
Ok, at the top of the ramp was the "cafe". Guess there was a little too much sugar in that choc chip muffin... look at her hair fly!

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