Thursday, April 17, 2008

the end is nigh

For a little while, anyway. We've been busy outdoors during the spectacular weather we've been having this week, and have cleaned out and planted our garden! Thus far, 'bright lights' rainbow chard, dinosaur kale, peas, arugula. And Dante has a nice patch of mesclun mix, I forgot to take a close up.

See the big rock bottom left? We're going to make a bed around that, and really expand our space. We just got our seeds today from Baker Creek Heirloom seeds (, and can't wait to plant those! We ordered some Thai angled gourds, which when dried are otherwise known as Loofa sponges -- hope they grow on the bean teepee. Ooh, and moon and stars watermelons, scarlet runner beans, eggplants, tomatoes, etc. Lots of fun stuff.

And otherwise, here are some recent pics of the girls. We had a bit of excitement in chicken land -- the silkies were going after the kids, including kids who came to visit us. So I posted them on craigslist and of all places they ended up at Penfield Farm in Portland, on the left on Route 17 before the DQ -- the farm we used to buy our eggs from before our girls got their bums in gear. There are lots of other chickens (like 150) as well as some silkie hens, so they should have less competition for the ladies.

And I think our girls will be relieved -- Peepers would no sooner climb atop one of the hens, than both silkies would make a beeline for the couple, bite the hens combs and hang on til Peepers was done. (Granted that was usually only for a few seconds, but...) And then they would take his place. Each in his turn. Perhaps I'm reading a bit into this, but it seemed incredibly unpleasant for the poor hens and there did seem to be a collective sigh of relief once they left. Peepers is the only one who seems bewildered, and missing his fellow watchchickens. The ladies got used to walking off apart from the flock to investigate a different area with her personal bodyguard. Now the one remaining roo is unable to be in several places at once, and isn't sure what to do. Dare I say it? That he's running about like a, well, you know.

It was very quiet the first two days they were gone, but yesterday Peepers was crowing his head off all day long. Today was more quiet again I think. It's funny how I don't even hear them anymore. Anyway.

Second tidbit of news from the Land of the Fat Hens is that you can see Luke in the background of the garden pic digging a spot for a fencepost. The crew is going to be put in solitary confinement for a few months while things grow in the garden beds around here. I can't plant any new plants or seeds (in places like the bean teepee) because they forage there daily. And in fact the teepee is their favorite place to dustbathe. So, construction of their prison has begun. I'll post a pic when it's done.

See the wear and tear the roos have had on poro Speck's pretty plummage?

Lil's Birthday

Two wild and crazy gals! Lulu needs some bloomers with this dress. And some buttons to replace those that popped off.

Monday, April 7, 2008

a hawking we will go

We saw a hawk! We played the CD that the DEP sent us of a great horned owl call, and lo and behold, we saw a hawk in the sky, and he seemed to be checking the scene. Fun fun fun.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Diggin Archeology

Last Thursday, we went to a talk at the library about archeology of east hampton. Definitely more geared toward the older crowd, but Dante hung in there and seemed to relish retelling the tales to Luke that night. Oddly, later in the day, we were playing outside, saying goodbye to Violet and Liev, Dante and Lucia stumbled across some artifacts that were surfacing in the corner of our yard -- shards of pottery and china, lots of glass, some metal. The kids were delighted with the coincidence.